G & G Team

“If a team has no soul, you’re just wasting your time.”

G & G Team

The G&G team is a fine mixture of youth and seniority, of vibrancy and maturity. While the senior partners have several decades of experience behind them, the younger team members bring in energy and vibrancy. Together, these attributes enhance client servicing and the value delivered. The team is a little over 50 in size.

Continual training ensures everybody is upto speed on all matters. Our Saturday seminars are a huge hit with the team, with near-100% attendance. Periodic conferences help the team remain current in the emerging areas of practice.

An interesting – and telling – aspect of the team building is that all partners and managers have trained with G&G and chose to continue with the firm in employment. This has led to an extremely cohesive team with a common culture and ethos.

G&G is proud to have unbelievably low attrition. Yet another reflection of the underlying glue keeping the team together.